Posted on July 08, 2015 by Carol M. Bildahl

In the summer we all have routines that we love to do.  I love to wash my bed linens with a drop of Lavender and air dry them outside. They smell fantastic!  But, my families favorite summer activity is fruit picking and then pie baking or jam making.

Years ago I was fortunate to work at The Good Food Store in CT.  I worked with a pie baker with the last name LOVE.  Hence LOVE PIES. she shared her crust recipe and I have been making LOVE Pies for years.

Makes 2 9” pies:
3 cups of All Purpose flour
3/4 cups of Whole wheat flour
3 tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 1/4 cup of butter wicket cold, I like french or Irish (higher fat)
about 3/4 cut Ice water
Cut fat into dry ingredients
Stir in water, mix, cut in half for 2 crusts.
Chill it and roll it out. Always keep your rolling pin in the freezer.

Just pick your fruit usually 4 cups will fit into this crust, 2 tablespoons of flour mixed with fruit and a cup of sugar, load it into the crust and put a top crust on it , bake it, photo it, and eat it. 

That is summer!

Posted in Carol Bildahl loves to bake pies

