Free Get Out of Jail pass!
Posted on August 18, 2015 by Carol M. Bildahl
Sunday, I was fortunate enough to visit Block Island and ride my bike around the island. Block Island reminds me of Ireland, rolling hills and lots of stone walls. But for me one of my favorite sights are the clothes lines. Everyone has a clothesline since energy is very expensive on the island.
I was "drying” to know what they did with their laundry when a northeast wind blows and winter arrives. New market for me to tap into, island homes!
As I rode around the island viewing the scenery and clothes lines it made me think about how many Americans can not have clothes lines due to zoning and homeowners associations. A new movie “Drying for Freedom” comes to your local theater please plan a movie date to view it. Here is the trailer check it out.
At The New Clothesline Company we are always creating inventive ways to help the world air dry, legally. The Design Department has created an exterior mounting system for the LOFTI and WOODI. Simple shelving knees, from Home Depot with a 2x4 cut in half screwed on top. Just screw our pulleys into the wood, run the ropes through, attach to your drying rack. This is a very pleasing air drying system with 21 linear feet of hanging space, be sure to attach a DUO or the birds clips, to handle the small items.
Hopefully this new system with keep us air dryers out of jail!
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Drying For Freedom,
The New Clothesline Company Block Island
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